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UNF signs UN Sustainable Development Goals Accord

The University of Niagara Falls Canada (UNF) has joined more than 360 other post-secondary institutions from across the globe in committing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Accord (SDG Accord).
Led by EUAC, this international initiative launched in 2017 and aims to demonstrate the commitment of the higher education sector to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 interconnected goals were identified by the United Nations as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to address a range of economic, social, and environmental challenges. They serve as an urgent call for action by all countries.

“The SDG Accord is a platform for action and by signing it, UNF is acknowledging our commitment to the wellbeing of our students, staff, and community,” said David Gray, provost and vice president, academic. “We’re aware of the challenges facing the world and UNF is willing to take action to be part of the solution.”

The SDG Accord is meant to inspire, celebrate and advance the role education has in delivering the SDGs. It calls upon educational institutions to embed the SDGs into its teaching, research, leadership, operations, administration, and outreach to the community.

As a signatory, UNF has made a commitment to do more to help deliver the SDGs, report annually on individual progress, and share any learnings with other institutions globally.

“As educators, we recognize our responsibility to play a pivotal role in attaining the SDGs by 2030. UNF is demonstrating its commitment by signing the SDG Accord, joining other institutions to work toward building a more sustainable world and create a more equitable future for all,” said Cyndi McLeod, CEO, GUS Canada.
While individuals, student unions and support organizations can sign the SDG Accord, the institutional commitment UNF has made is the highest level of support. Several other Canadian colleges and universities are signatories.

Visit the SDG Accord website to see the other signatories and to learn more about the goals,